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用0%、0.1%、0.2%、0.3%NaCl溶液共四个水平对浙江润楠(Machilus chekiangensi)和薄叶润楠(M. leptophylla)进行盐处理,研究结果表明:在轻度(0.1%-0.2%)盐分胁迫下,浙江润楠苗木没有表现出明显的受害迹象,而薄叶润楠在0.1%的盐分胁迫下一段时间就表现出较明显的受害迹象。随着盐胁迫浓度的增加和胁迫时间的延长,两种苗木出现胁迫症状的时间缩短,苗高增长和地径增长均呈下降趋势,细胞膜透性、丙二醛含量(MDA)、脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量呈上升趋势,Fv/Fm呈下降趋势。试验结果可知,浙江润楠能在盐碱量中等(不大于0.2%)的土地上正常生长,表现出较强的抗盐能力,相对于浙江润楠而言,薄叶润楠的抗盐性则较差。
关键词:   浙江润楠 薄叶润楠 耐盐性
Study on Salt Tolerance of Two Species in Machilus
Treating the seedlings of Machilus chekiangensi and Machilus leptophylla with different salt treatment 0%、0.1%、0.2% and 0.3% NaCl solution of four levels, The results showed that: Machilus chekiangensi could live in the slight salt stress without affecting on its normal growth, it wouldn’t show the evidence obviously. However, Machilus leptophylla couldn’t live better in the slight salt stress (0.1%) a long time. With the increasing of salinity concentration and delaying of salt stress time, the time of appearing stress symptoms was shorten. Height growth and ground diameter growth showed a downward trend, Membrane permeability, malondialdehyde (MDA), proline content and soluble sugar content increased, Fv/Fm value declined. It can be known: Machilus chekiangensis could live medium saline alkali soil favorablely and showed the strong salt-resistant ability, Compared with Machilus chekiangensis, Machilus leptophylla has less salt resistance.
Key words:   Machilus chekiangensi Machilus leptophylla salt tolerance