当前位置: 首页 > 过刊浏览 > 2009年第6期 >


关键词:   屋顶绿化 园林植物 水分胁迫 抗旱生理
Drought Resistances of Five Roof-greening Plants to Different Water Stresses
The drought resistances of five species of common garden plants applied in roof garden were studied. The responses of their leaf relative electrical conductance rate, relative water content, Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance to different water stresses were studied. The results showed that the leaf relative electrical conductance rate increasing and other index appeared declining trend with the increasing of water stress, the physiological resistance to the drought have different change rate of different plants.The synthesis evaluation result by principle component analysis showed that the order of drought resistance was Rhoeo discolor > Melastoma dodecandrum > Arachis duranensis > Lantana camara > Wedelia trilobata. The relative water content was the most important indicators to evaluation water stress, and the relative electrical conductance rate was the second one.
Key words:   roof-greening, garden plant, water stress, physiological resistance to the drought