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以孔雀草 (Tagetes patula)子叶、下胚轴和叶片为外植体,通过器官直接发生途径诱导形成不定芽,探讨植物生长调节剂组合、AgNO3、蔗糖浓度和外植体类型等因素对植株再生的影响,建立了高效再生体系。结果表明:MS+6-BA 1.0 mg•L-1 +NAA 0.5 mg•L-1 + AgNO3 1.0 mg•L-1+蔗糖40 g•L-1培养基最适合不定芽的分化和增殖,子叶不定芽分化率达90%以上,平均每外植体分化不定芽数达5.27个。不定芽较适生根培养基为1/2MS+IAA 0.2 mg•L-1+NAA 0.1 mg•L-1,生根率达到90%。
关键词:   孔雀草; 子叶; 植物生长调节剂; 不定芽再生
Plant Regeneration of Tagetes patula Hybrid Progeny F1
The regenerated plantlets in Tagetes patula L. hybrid progeny F1 were obtained with the adventitious buds induced directly from the different explants, the cotyledons, leaves and hypocotyls. In this paper, several factors affecting in vitro regeneration of T. patula, such as different hormones combination, concentrations of sucrose and AgNO3, and the different explants were examined. The optimum medium for shoot regeneration was MS medium containing 1.0 mg•L-1 6-BA, 0.5 mg•L-1 NAA, 1.0 mg•L-1 AgNO3 and 40 g•L-1 sucrose. 90% of adventitious shoot regeneration frequency with 5.27 shoots per cotyledon explants was obtained. The buds rooted when they were transferred to 1/2MS medium containing 0.2 mg•L-1 IAA and 0.1 mg•L-1 NAA after 40 days and developed into healthy plantlets, which resulted in a rooting rate of 90%. The results of this study will facilitate the application of rapid propagation and 投注app 投注appation methods in T. patula. hybrid progeny F1.
Key words:   Tagetes patula; Cotyledons; Plant growth regulator; Shoot regeneration