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扦插是绿化苗木生产中常用的种苗繁育方式,为了探索在生产上成活率较高的扦插措施,本试验以白蝉、非洲茉莉、夹竹桃为扦插材料,采用3种生根基质、以500mg/l NAA和IBA溶液速蘸插穗切口进行扦插生根试验;同时以覆盖塑料薄膜和不覆盖薄膜进行保湿处理对比。结果表明,不同苗木品种的生根成活率差异极显著;不同基质的生根成活率差异极显著,其中以耕作土加泥炭土按7:3混合的基质效果最好;500mg/l NAA和IBA溶液处理对生根没有显著作用,扦插后覆盖塑料薄膜的生根效果极显著优于不覆盖薄膜处理。
关键词:   苗木;基质;扦插;生根
Primary Experiment on Cuttage Rooting of Several Virescence Seedlings
Cuttage is a breed method in virescence seedling producing, In order to find effective cuttage measures. Gardenia jasminoides, Stephanotis floribunda, Nerium indicum, 3 rooting substrates and plant hormones NAA,IBA were tested in the cuttage experiment, meanwhile all the treatments were dealed with 2 kinds of humidity keeping measures: ones covered with plastic membrane, the others covered none. The results showed that there was most distinct difference in rooting rate among seedling varieties, rooting substrates, among them, substrate mixed with cultivate soil and peat soil in proportion of 7-3 was the best one , 500mg/l NAA and IBA solutions had no distinct effect on enhance rooting, covered with plastic membrane had most distinct excelled to which covered none.
Key words:   Seedling; Substrate; Cuttage; Rooting