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油茶尺蠖(Biston marginata Shiraki )是近年来广东省中山市阔叶混交林内出现的重要害虫。通过室内外饲养观察,结果表明:油茶尺蠖在广东省中山市1年发生1代。以蛹在地表土层中越冬,蛹期历时约9个月。成虫趋光性弱。在室内,成虫平均寿命约8天,最高产卵量可达1700粒;卵期平均22.1天;幼虫共6龄,幼虫期平均58.2天。
关键词:   油茶尺蠖,生物学,木荷
Studies on Biological Characteristics of Biston marginata Shiraki
Biston marginata Shiraki was an important pest of broad-leaved and broad-leaved mixed forests in Zhongshan city of Guangdong province in recent years. Biological characteristics of Biston marginata was studied in the laboratory and the forest. The results showed that the pest had 1 generation a year and overwintered with the pupa in upper layer of soil in Zhongshan city of Guangdong province. The pupa stage lasted about 9 months. The adult life-span averaged about 8 days, and had not strong phototaxis.A female imago laid at most 1700 eggs in the laboratory. The egg stage lasted an average of 22.1 days, the larval stage 58.2 days and included 6-7 instars.
Key words:   Biston marginata , biology, Schima superba