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几种防腐剂处理的马尾松材室内抗家白蚁(Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki)效果试验

利用三种防腐剂处理后的马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb)边材在室内进行接种家白蚁(Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki)以测试其抗蚁蛀能力试验。这三种防腐剂包括铜铬砷(CCA)含砷铬类防腐剂和柠檬酸铜(CC)及季铵铜(ACQ)两种非含砷铬类防腐剂。测试一个月后的结果表明, 三种防腐剂的各个测试浓度的抗蚁蛀效果很好,试块的失重均不超过5%。经方差分析及平均数多重比较结果表明,三种防腐剂不同处理浓度与对照间试块的实际失重的差异以及白蚁存活率的差异均达极显著水平。 CCA防腐剂在0.05~1.0%浓度(实际吸药量0.31~6.07kg/m3)处理下, 白蚁全部死亡, 试块表面被轻度蛀食。 CC与ACQ防腐剂的抗蚁蛀效果很相似, 在0.6~2%高浓度(实际吸药量分别为3.94~12.9kg/m3和 3.04~9.92kg/m3)下, 白蚁全部死亡, 试块未被白蚁蛀食, 完好无损; 但在0.2~0.4%低浓度(实际吸药量<3 kg/m3)下有部分白蚁存活, 试块被白蚁轻度或中度蛀食; 低浓度组与高浓度组之间白蚁存活率的差异达显著或极显著水平。从白蚁生存率、试块的失重及试块抗蚁蛀等级综合分析结果表明, 经CCA、CC、ACQ三种防腐剂处理后的马尾松木材的抗蚁蛀能力明显提高。
关键词:   防腐剂 家白蚁 马尾松边材 抗蚁蛀
基金项目:国际热带木材组织(ITTO)项目“Development and Extension of Preservation Technology of Tropical Plantation Timber ”(PD 52/99 Rev 2(I)).
Laboratory Assessments of the Efficacy of Three Preservatives Treated Masson’s Pine Wood Against the House Termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
Laboratory termite tests were performed in an attempt to compare the efficacy of three preservatives when impregnated into the non-durable Masson’s pine, Pinus massoniana (Lamb.), against the house termite, Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki). The three preservatives tested were an arsenic containing preservative copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA) and two arsenic-free preservatives including copper citrate (CC) and ammonium copper quaterney (ACQ) in water-based formulations. The results showed that three preservatives were very effective against the house termite at different retentions, and weight losses in the specimens did not exceed 5% during a month test period. The ANOVA analysis indicated that there was highly significant difference of mass loss between the water control one and any preservative-treated one; there was no significant difference of mass losses in treated wood blocks among retention range 0.31~ 6.07kg/m3 of CCA, 2.38 ~12.9 kg/ m3 of CC and 0.96~9.92 kg/ m3 of ACQ, respectively. In addition, The ANOVA analysis also showed that there was highly significant difference of termite survival rate between the water control one and different retention level of CCA, CC and ACQ. There was no significant difference of termite survival rate among retention level 0.31~6.07 kg/ m3 of CCA, 3.94~12.9 kg/ m3 of CC and 3.04~9.92 kg/ m3 of ACQ, respectively. However, there was highly significant difference of termite survival rate between low retention level 1.23~2.38 kg/ m3 and high retention level 3.94~12.9 kg/ m3 of CC, as well as low retention level 0.96~1.92 kg/ m3 and high retention level 3.03~9.92 kg/ m3 of ACQ.
Key words:   CCA;CC;ACQ;Preservatives;Masson’s pine;The house termite;Laboratory test