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关键词:   橄榄 良种 东山长穗 揭西甜榄
Improved variets of Chinese ovlive for fresh food,
Two kinds of cultivated variety of Canarium album Reausch in East Guangdong Province were introduced and compared with another two kinds of cultivated variety which were popular used in production application. In the quality and character, Dongshan Long-fruitear in Puning County was similar with the Green-peel in Chao′an county, and slightly missed to the Three-edge in Chaoyang county. It could be planted with simple cultivation measure to get abundant harvest stably. So it might be planted widly as a good variety for fresh fruit and prepared food.The quality of Jiexi Sweet-olive was slightly missed to the three kinds variety which was mentioned above. Its fruit was quite big and tasted sweet, and there was some strict requests in its cultivation measures. So it could it might be planted in suitable local place.
Key words:   Canarium album Reausch, improved variety, Dongshan Long-fruitear ,Jiexi Sweet-olive