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对同安钮夜蛾(Anua indiscriminata Moore)幼虫在桉林的分布进行了调查,并在室内测试了几种农药对其幼虫的毒性,结果表明,同安钮夜蛾幼虫在林间为聚集分布;其虫口密度在同一树冠不同方向或层次上的分布差异不显著;坡向对同安钮夜蛾幼虫的分布影响显著,南坡的虫口密度高于北坡的。在供试的农药中,25%灭幼脲III号悬浮剂1500倍液、1.8%阿维菌素乳油4000倍液、保尔或锐劲特2000倍液、0.3%印楝素乳油500倍液、1.3%鱼藤氰乳油或10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂1000倍液对同安钮夜蛾5-6龄幼虫的毒杀效果均达96%以上。
关键词:   同安钮夜蛾 桉树 分布型 防治药剂
Studies on the Spatial Distribution of Anua indiscriminata Larvae
The spatial distribution of Anua indiscriminata larvae in the eucalyptus plantation and toxicity of insecticides to the larvae in the laboratory were reseached. The results showed that the spatial distribution of the larvae was aggregated;the larval population density in different directions or level layers of the tree crown was not different significantly;the larval population density was affected by slope directions, and the larval population density in southern slope was obviously higher than that in northern slope . 1500 dilution of 25%chlorbenzuron, 4000 dilution of 1.8%Avermectin, 2000 dilution of 0.2%Emamectin benzoate or 5%Fipronil, 500 dilution of 0.3%Azadirachtin, 1000 dilution of 1.3%Rotenone+Fenvalerate or 10%Imidacloprid had good control effects, and the mortalities of the 5-6 instar larvae were more than 96%.
Key words:   Anua indiscriminata eucalyptus spatial distribution insecticide